Aug 23 2017
Dedicated hosting is a step above VPS hosting, and is more expensive too. With dedicated hosting, you get to host your website and services on a computer dedicated solely to you, without having to share the computer with anyone else. This makes it more secure, and fater.
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With dedicated servers, you will have full command line or shell access, which allow you to login and execute commands from the terminal. This gives you full control of the machine, but of course requires technical knowledge.
Again, dedicated servers are often offered as managed or unmanaged. If you can’t or don’t want to managed the technical details of the server then you should go for managed.
Sometimes the nature of a business can dictate whether dedicated or VPS hosting is chosen. Some businesses may have security requirements, such as sensitive user data, that requires a dedicated server, where a VPS might otherwise have been sufficient.If your business has such security requirements, or has a lot of visitor traffic that can’t reliably be handled by VPS hosting, then consider going for a dedicated server.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Doloribus facilis quisquam pariatur praesentium illum tempora unde impedit optio quo nam cupiditate dolores ullam perspiciatis cumque, rerum eos tempore.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Doloribus facilis quisquam pariatur praesentium illum tempora unde impedit optio quo nam cupiditate dolores ullam perspiciatis cumque, rerum eos tempore.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Doloribus facilis quisquam pariatur praesentium illum tempora unde impedit optio quo nam cupiditate dolores ullam perspiciatis cumque, rerum eos tempore.